Justin Thorstad
Libertas Real Estate
Libertas Real Estate
Justin Thorstad
Justin Thorstad




A Community of agents that lead with service, come from love and committed to growth. Our culture is a cohesive collective where we work together to help push each other to reach our individual full potential. “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”

We work in partnership with one another with the mindset of “giver’s gain”. We operate from an abundance mindset. There’s more than enough to go around for everyone to reach and exceed their goals and desired results.

Libertas is exclusive. We actively seek those who are:

We are dedicated
to exceptional results
We are dedicated
to exceptional results

What makes Libertas unique?

What sets us apart from other brokerages is our prioritization of the individual agent. Collectively, we take each individual agent and grow all aspects of their life simultaneously, a holistic approach, so their life doesn’t become one-dimensional. Our lives are about more than just money and business or “Hussle and grind”.

Libertas’ entire focus is on attracting and growing agents so they can be holistically successful in ALL aspects of their lives.

Real Estate - Libertas

Want to learn more about the Libertas community?

How to apply:

Call or contact form

Interview to make sure it’s a good fit

Experience a bi-weekly Beingness Meeting

Are you ready to transform
your mindset and life?

Get in touch