Justin Thorstad
Keynote Speaking
Keynote Speaking
Keynote Speaking
Justin Thorstad
Justin Thorstad




Searching for a powerful speaker that will spark transformation in your audience?

Justin Thorstad cuts straight to the heart of each person’s mental programming allowing them to explore and discover more about themselves in order to create long lasting transformation.

The World’s Greatest Success Formula

Justin’s World’s Greatest Success Formula takes you down the pathway from your role as a spectator of your world to creator of your own reality. He shows you how to create a bigger and better life than you ever imagined.

Justin shows how to identify your personal belief system and help you determine whether it’s a healthy mindset or if it’s pathological. Transform your reality by simply altering your mindset.

You will learn how to:

The World’s Greatest Success Formula

Live in the right “state” by inspecting your belief systems and self-image

Effortlessly drive behaviors in alignment with your true intentions

Create your desired results in all areas of life

Victim vs Responsible Paradigm

Victim vs Responsible Paradigm

Justin gives real-life examples of where the victim mentality shows up in your life. He prompts reflection where you assess yourself and take responsibility for your circumstances, conditions and environments.

You will

Unlearn your old mindsets and habits

Learn a new way by taking responsibility for the perception you hold of yourself

Relearn these new perspectives and turn them into a habit

This is not a simple switch you can flip. Justin helps guide you to deeper self-awareness of whether you’re playing the victim or taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and choices. The story you tell yourself in your head unconsciously dictates your behavior.

Are you ready to transform
your mindset and life?

Get in touch